May is Mental Health Awareness Month - #mentalhealthawarenessmonth

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
The goal is to raise awareness about mental illness and to reduce the stigma that surrounds it. During this month, we strive to educate the community about the importance of mental health and how it affects us all, especially how it affects our youth.
Why do we highlight Mental Health Awareness Month?
To increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans' lives, and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. Mental health is essential for a person's overall health.
How do we know you might be?
- How would I describe my mood overall?
- Has my mood changed at all over the last six months to a year?
- Has my level of stress and/or anxiety changed recently?
- What strategies do I use to manage a low mood and/or anxiety when they come up?
- Are these strategies working?
- Are these strategies healthy (healthy = walking, yoga, reading, playing chess; not healthy = gambling, overeating, drinking alcohol, using tobacco or other drugs)?
- How am I functioning at work, in social relationships and within my family?
- Do I find pleasure in things I have usually found pleasurable?
- Has anything about my mental status changed? Am I having problems with memory, reality testing, confusion, or concentration?
- Have I had any thoughts of wanting to hurt or kill myself or someone else in the last few months?
Very important self-care - How to fight stress?
- Get active...
- Meditate....
- Laugh more....
- nConnect with others....
- Assert yourself....
- Try yoga....
- Get enough sleep....
- Keep a journal...
What do you recommend???
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